"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-trans.dtd"> A Life Less Ordinary
A Life Less Ordinary A Life Less Ordinary
April 23, 2006

Wow! This week/weekend was absolutely crazy! Ridiculous! Scary! Fun! Mindblowing! If I had to summarize my Little Five time spent here it would be with those five words. I'll start at the beginning...

I arrived Wednesday and I honestly only remember bits and pieces. This week has kind of given me some insight into certain people. I love all my friends here dearly but if I had to give a piece of advice for future Little Five-goers it would be that you should never hand over your keys to anyone. Because of the type of atmosphere that Little Five creates, you may just find yourself abandoned and walking a far stretch to where you need to be. (Two days in a row, in fact.)

Bill threw an amazing backyard barbeque yesterday and I have to admit I think I was intoxicated from noon to three this morning. It was pretty awesome! I met some really great people this week, people that I would never have met otherwise. Though this Little Five has made me start to think about what's coming for some of my friends. Many of my friends here @ IU are seniors this year and they will be graduating in only a few short weeks. And if I am honest with myself I have to admit that I may not see some of them for quite some time. It makes me sad because in a lot of ways I feel like they are moving on with their lives and I could only consider myself so lucky to continue being in their life. Anyway, I'll close with a few chosen phrases that seem to really express the intensity of Little Five:

Clarb Juice! - Mark Clark

I needed a light up picture! - Me

Hooker! - Mark Clark

I am like 30 kinds of ass right now! - Me
What does that mean? - Will

sdflgjgithjuihtught...pot. - Adam Jarvis

I wanna play football! - Random girl everyone hated at a party.

Where's Caitlin? - Jill
Jill I'm standing right behind you. - Me

This thing turns like a fucking barge! - Bill, our Land Rover excursion

God, there are so many whores here tonight! - Guy @ Kilroys

My God we're climbing Mount Everest! - Dave Yar

What's in my pocket? - Dave
Uh, that'd be the random shot glass you stole from Don Chuy's Dave. They don't even serve alcohol there... - Me

One last cheers to Little Five 2006. It was amazing...

And congratulations to all my senior hoes! You guys are gonna do amazing things because you are all capable and amazing people! I love you guys!


Wilted | Fresh

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Sometimes those most worthy of love are not made happy by it. ~Dangeous Liaisons
It is on the strength of observation that one finds a way; so we must dig and delve unceasingly. ~Claude Monet 1840-1926
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