"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-trans.dtd"> A Life Less Ordinary
A Life Less Ordinary A Life Less Ordinary
1. Not going to your classes will definitely make getting a good grade harder - DON'T KID YOURSELF PEOPLE!

2. Drinking is considered a recreation - not an illegal pasttime.

3. Looks are the one thing (other than money) that will get you ALMOST whatever you want.

4. You'll realize that you have spent more time on AIM/AOL than on almost anything else - including time on homework, watching television, or even partying.

5. If you're fond of pizza/ beer you will later be thankful for not having an elevator!

6. IUPD are not afraid to come to your door at any time...they're also not afraid to give citations or arrest you (this thing that I learned was not from personal experience - thank GOD!)

7. You'll find certain people will get old REALLY quickly!

8. If you think you can tame a frat boy - then you're fucking sick in the head...

9. You learn a lot about yourself and who you've become...although not necessarily what you will want to do for the rest of your life or who you will want to be in ten or twenty years.

10. You may find that a part of you wishes to go and the other part wishes to stay whenever it is time to leave for summer....or even for good.



Wilted | Fresh

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Sometimes those most worthy of love are not made happy by it. ~Dangeous Liaisons
It is on the strength of observation that one finds a way; so we must dig and delve unceasingly. ~Claude Monet 1840-1926
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