"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-trans.dtd"> A Life Less Ordinary
A Life Less Ordinary A Life Less Ordinary
April 24, 2006
Hi there Anonymous...

Let's talk about things shall we?

First off, let me be open enough to post what you have written but for some reason can't assign your name to. I can't quite fathom why you have such strong convictions but have no spine to put your name behind them...

Read on...

Caitlin, I don't understand why you continuously bring drama to yourself and our group of friends. The drama you create is unnecessary and I think it is best if you act your age and stop acting like you are still stuck in highschool. I understand you have problems with certain people, but to bring in people you know nothing about and put them down just to hurt someone you are angry with is wrong. We are all adults here so can you please start acting like one, it would make things a lot less stressful. Stop being jealous of the things you can't have in life and just move on. Thanks!

Let me start by saying that generally I sympathize with you. I really do...just not enough to care. Fuck you! Get off your high horse and quit acting so humble because as you say 'group of friends' I know my friends pretty well to know that they have done things in their life that give them no room to presume that they are better, smarter, kinder or more passive than me.

And 'group of friends' is a pretty interesting choice of phrases given the fact that, though you may not encourage certain people's behavior, you don't necessarily shun anyone do you? No, no let me be the only to point out that someone's behavior/actions are completely wrong. You sympathize with my feelings yet you can still call yourself a friend to someone who has no possible notion, not even the faintest hint of what friendship is, or faith or kindness or devotion! For God's sake, stop judging me and look at your inability to see what is right in front of you. Look at your capacity to indulge someone's childish behavior of breaking someone's heart and not giving a damn and yes! still call me a child who is in high school. Fuck you and your opinions!

And here's another thing, there would be no drama if you people wouldn't read my diary but you continuously do. So don't come here onto my site and my guestbook and think YOU have any right to voice your justify-the-wrongs, grow-up attitude bullshit opinions. Go somewhere else with that shit, thanks.

And by the way, next time if you have a real problem why don't you call me up, tell me your name friend and we'll have a real discussion.

Fuck you.


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Sometimes those most worthy of love are not made happy by it. ~Dangeous Liaisons
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