"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-trans.dtd"> A Life Less Ordinary
A Life Less Ordinary A Life Less Ordinary
July 07, 2005
"Money, you say?" Dorian smirked a bit. He couldn't help but laugh really. All the world thought him impoverished and seeking out gratuities from anyone willing to give them. In truth, how little anyone really knew of his real heritage or his real fortune. It would only be a matter of time; though it was exactly the same time that he despised.

"I do believe you can hear. Now, tell me how much is it exactly that you think you shall be needing to fund an entire exhibition of your own works entirely?"

"Lady Dauberny, I do believe I won't be needing any money. From you or anyone else. And I also have no intention of ever opening an exhibit of my own works. I do not strive just for myself to be noticed but those of my humble and ever-gracious friends as well. I don't know who you believed me to be but you are obviously mistaken...I may be flattering and meek to some but I am a man who has his soul. I will not sell out to someone who thinks they must give their money to those who may or may not be in need of it purely to keep themselves from feeling they have no worth or no use in this world. I bid you good day miss; I have another meeting I must attend."

And with that Dorian Chancellor simply strolled from the room, brandy snifter in hand. He pulled the parlor door closed behind him and immediately Charlotte gathered her umbrella and her cloak as well. She felt that she should be indignant at this moment but she could't bring it forth. No one had ever spoken to her in such a common and no-nonsense tone before. She felt liberated, somewhat. Though she had never been spoken to like that, after all she was the daughter of Count and Vicountess Devonshire, Lord Chancellor had an absurd idea if he thought she'd be stopped by a mere blow of words. Another thing indeed.

Wilted | Fresh

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Sometimes those most worthy of love are not made happy by it. ~Dangeous Liaisons
It is on the strength of observation that one finds a way; so we must dig and delve unceasingly. ~Claude Monet 1840-1926
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