"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-trans.dtd"> A Life Less Ordinary
A Life Less Ordinary A Life Less Ordinary
June 05, 2005
Isn't it amazing how we can go on from day to day and we rarely think about the people that are most important to us? Or how we can go from life experience to life experience and never really wonder if the people in our lives made us a particular way or if it was ourselves alone?

I was thinking earlier today, when I hopped online for a brief chatting session, when I saw someone online that I hadn't spoken to in a very long while; it amazed me that at one point this person went from being a very big part of my life, to nothing more than a faint idea in the back of my mind that rarely comes forward. How does this happen? People in our lives can hurt us, betray us, lie to us any number of given things and yet when they meant so much at one point, it's so easy to let their memory, their person slip away from us. I find this theory fickle and simple-minded and I hate being one to admit that it's happened to me...I've let people from my life slip away under the notion that it was best for me, it was best for them and above all, it was the "right thing to do."

There is this saying that I have seen many people write in their profiles or even speak to one another:

When you look back on your life remember why the people you left in your past are not in your future.

What does this mean? I mean, I understand exactly what this author is conveying, but in a way it seems like a horrible idea to speak of. People are not always in your life for the reason of helping you or consoling you; sometimes people are there to make your life harder, there to make you look at yourself in a different light, there to make you be angry, or curse or hurt. After all, isn't it overcoming the obstacles in our life what makes us better people? And not just ovecoming the obstacles but overcoming them in ways that are humble? Using ways with integrity?

So, I am trying to look back through my past and think about the people that I have left there and for what reason?And sometimes I really wonder that if I had continued on with these people and dealt with the hardships I was handed, would I be a better person? Would I have a better understanding?


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