"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-trans.dtd"> A Life Less Ordinary
A Life Less Ordinary A Life Less Ordinary
September 27, 2004
You fight for every breath
Caught without a ship in this sea of neglect
The one you swore to love is pulling you down
You're in over your head
Chilled to the bone by the waters you tread
Chart a course to land, before your drown

Swim to the nearest distant shore
there's only so much a heart can endure
You gave it your best, forgive yourself
You can't hold on anymore
It's not as far as it might seem
It's time to let go of old dreams
Every heart for itself, swim to the nearest distant shore


I love that song; you would too if you listen to it! Trust me! I think that everyone can relate to that song...everyone's been there once I'd say. So, what becomes of those of us who don't get away from that? What happens to those who get dragged all the way under? I don't know; I am trying not to be one of those people. Sometimes, though I feel silly because the way I feel isn't even OBVIOUS to him...he probably reads this and thinks it's about someone else, someone better than he - at least I would hope that is what he would think!

This is to you! Yes, you! You, the one reading this thinking "What DID happen?" Or maybe you don't think that; maybe you're content to be cruel hearted! If you are - then you should know that it will come back around to you. I just don't understand at all! Really! How does one go from lovely one minute to NO FORM OF COMMUNICATION the next?!?! Something had to have happened; did something pop up in your mind that made you realize you didn't like me all of a sudden?

I told my roommate last night that I was more content to be happy or sad over a guy - at least with those emotions you can show your feelings - if you're sad, you can cry and if you're angry you can yell, but when you don't know what the fuck is going on at all you feel so powerless; as though you can't just express the way you feel to anyone. It's a personal turmoil!

Damn you personal turmoil damn you!


Wilted | Fresh

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Sometimes those most worthy of love are not made happy by it. ~Dangeous Liaisons
It is on the strength of observation that one finds a way; so we must dig and delve unceasingly. ~Claude Monet 1840-1926
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